
Also known as dental crowding, teeth misalignment can affect anyone at any time, although it is usually an issue with growing teenagers, when adult teeth have trouble erupting. This could be due to large teeth, additional teeth and a small jaw construction; bone grafts are sometimes used, which requires surgery. 

Potential causes of teeth misalignment

There are numerous potential causes of teeth misalignment, which include:

  • Genetic disposition – Large teeth and a small jaw can be inherited; if your family has a history of crooked teeth, the chances are greater that you will also experience dental crowding. Clear aligners are one treatment for teeth straightening that your dentist might recommend.
  • Facial trauma – In the event a person suffers facial trauma, this can impact the jaw alignment and surgery might be required to correct the misalignment.
  • Impacted teeth – A wisdom tooth might not be able to erupt as it should, which could impact several teeth.
  • Bad habits during childhood – Bad habits such as thumb-sucking, tongue-thrusting and the use of a pacifier.
  • Medical conditions
– Conditions such as hypothyroidism, rickets or a cleft palate can cause teeth misalignment. 

Once you make an appointment with your dentist, the healthcare professional can accurately diagnose your condition and recommend the right treatment. 

Potential treatments

There are quite a few potential treatments for teeth misalignment, which include:

  • Clear aligners – Brands such as ClearPilot and ClearQuartz offer invisible solutions with a removable device, which is ideal for teenagers. Clear aligners are expertly moulded by the dentist to exert the right amount of pressure in the right places; the device might need to be changed after a few weeks, depending on outcomes; take a look at the leading Australian dental platform Beseenhub, which has all the answers to your questions.
  • Teeth extraction – If the dentist thinks that extracting one or more teeth will provide the necessary space for the teeth to erupt in an orderly manner. This is often the case with wisdom teeth that do not have adequate space to come through.
  • Palatal expansion – This device is designed to widen the upper jaw in order for more space to be given to erupting teeth.
  • Metal braces – This is an effective way to straighten crooked teeth; the braces do need to be adjusted every week or so in order to achieve the best results. Years ago, wire braces were the main treatment for crooked teeth, yet the bulkiness has been reduced in modern versions.

There are a few myths regarding clear aligners and braces; some people mistakenly think that wire braces are painful to wear, as are clear aligners, yet nothing could be further from the truth. Others believe that wearing a clear aligner causes the shape of your face to change, which is definitely not the case.

Dental crowding can be effectively treated with early detection when your dentist can examine you and decide on the best way forward. Dental treatment for overcrowding can rectify misalignment and with clear aligners and attachments, most issues are dealt with in this way.