
  • Written by MISS.com.au

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic solution for achieving a brighter, more uniform smile. However, for some individuals, the post-procedure period can involve an unexpected companion—sensitivity. This sensation may occur due to changes in the tooth structure or adaptation to the new dental layer. Addressing this issue effectively involves understanding the underlying causes and embracing professional guidance for management. In this article, we will explore various dentist-recommended strategies to manage and prevent sensitivity following the application of dental veneers.

Essential Tips from Dentists to Manage Dental Veneer Sensitivity

  1. Avoiding Hot and Cold Food and Beverages

One common trigger for dental veneer sensitivity is exposure to extreme temperatures. Post-veneer sensitivity primarily occurs because the process of placing veneers might slightly expose the dentin or disturb the nerves. Consuming hot or cold foods and beverages can exacerbate this sensitivity, leading to discomfort. To mitigate this, it is advisable to allow such items to reach a mild temperature before consumption, ensuring that the extremes do not impact the sensitive areas.

  1. Using Sensitivity Toothpaste

Specialized sensitivity toothpastes are formulated to address the discomfort associated with dental work, including veneers. These toothpastes contain ingredients that help block the transmission of pain signals from the surface of the tooth to the nerve. Regular use, as per a dentist's recommendation, can significantly alleviate the symptoms of sensitivity, offering a protective barrier and a gradual reduction in discomfort.

  1. Regular Dental Check-Ups

Routine check-ups allow dentists to monitor the health of dental veneers and the overall oral environment. During these visits, professionals can identify any potential issues that could be contributing to sensitivity, such as improper veneer placement or gum recession. Early detection and corrective measures can prevent the escalation of sensitivity, ensuring the longevity and comfort of your veneers. 

  1. Avoiding Hard or Chewy Foods

Chewing hard or sticky foods can exert additional pressure on the teeth, potentially dislodging or damaging veneers. This can expose the underlying sensitive layers of the tooth. Dentists often advise patients to avoid such foods, particularly in the weeks following the veneer application, to prevent discomfort and ensure the veneers settle correctly.

  1. Avoiding Teeth Grinding or Clenching

Teeth grinding or clenching can cause significant stress on veneers, leading to cracks or fractures that expose sensitive parts of the tooth. Wearing a custom-fitted mouthguard, especially at night, can help protect both the veneers and the natural tooth enamel from the pressure and abrasion caused by these habits.

How to Maintain Dental Veneers and Prevent Sensitivity

  1. Proper Oral Hygiene Practices

Maintaining impeccable oral hygiene is paramount in preserving the integrity of dental veneers and preventing sensitivity. This involves regular brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush, flossing gently around each tooth, and possibly using an antiseptic mouthwash to reduce plaque buildup. Such practices help prevent decay and gum disease, which are common culprits behind sensitivity.

  1. Regular Professional Dental Cleanings

Professional cleanings by a dentist or hygienist are essential to remove plaque and tartar build-up that regular brushing cannot tackle. These cleanings prevent periodontal issues and ensure the gum line, a critical area prone to sensitivity, remains healthy and intact around the veneers.

  1. Importance of Using Non-Abrasive Dental Products

The choice of dental products plays a crucial role in the longevity of dental veneers. Non-abrasive toothpaste and soft-bristled toothbrushes are recommended to avoid scratching the surface of the veneers, which can make them more prone to staining and might trigger sensitivity. Consulting with a dental professional about appropriate products is always advisable.

  1. Need for Periodic Dental Check-Ups

Scheduled dental check-ups, at least twice a year, are not only crucial for early detection and management of oral health issues but also for the care and maintenance of dental veneers. These regular visits allow dentists to perform necessary adjustments and provide guidance tailored to prolonging the life of your veneers and preventing sensitivity.

The Role of the Dentist in Managing Sensitivity

Dentists are pivotal in both preventing and managing dental veneer sensitivity. Their expertise enables them to determine the most suitable type of veneer, ensure precise application, and provide tailored after-care instructions. Moreover, their ongoing assessment can help anticipate potential issues before they manifest into sensitivity, ensuring patients enjoy both the aesthetic and functional benefits of their dental veneers without discomfort.


While dental veneers are an excellent choice for enhancing dental aesthetics, sensitivity can sometimes be a side effect. By adhering to the guidance of dental professionals and incorporating recommended practices into daily routines, patients can effectively manage and mitigate sensitivity. Remember, the success of dental veneers goes beyond their placement; it extends into how they are cared for thereafter, ensuring they remain a comfortable and cherished part of one’s smile.